Admission system and its relationship with access, permanence and success of students of the Technical Nursing Course at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina




Introduction: The selection process for admission to education courses at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Santa Catarina (IFSC) has changed changes over the years in the perspective of expanding professional inclusion and access. However, there is no evidence that admission through contribution to student access and permanence. Objective: to analyze whether the change in the way of entering the Technical Nursing Course (CTE)/IFSC influenced the socioeconomic profile, permanence and success of students enrolled in the Technical Nursing Course at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina.  Method: it was research with an analytical approach, of the descriptive and analytical type. The sample corresponded to 100% of the students enrolled in the IFSC technical nursing course from 2015 to 2019. Result: The selection by lot allowed that a larger portion of the population had the opportunity to participate in the event, going from 298 registered in 2015 to. respectively from 6.6% and 3.9% in 2015 to 22.8% and 12% in 2019. 5% in 2019. Conclusion: There were many students who remained and occurred in the number of students who remained and occurred. It is inferred that democratizing teaching does not depend only on the established entry system, but on providing conditions for these students to achieve success in their training.

Keywords: Nursing Education. Teaching. Educational Assessment. Affirmative Actions. Diversity.

Author Biographies

Luciana Maria Mazon, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina

Enfermeira, doutora em saúde coletiva pela UFSC. Atualmente é docente do departamento de saúde e serviços do Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina.

Henrique Sérgio de Araújo, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina

Graduando em Enfermagem, Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina. Joinville. Santa Catarina.

Stefani Aparecida dos Santos, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina

Graduanda em Enfermagem, Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina. Joinville. Santa Catarina.

Joanara Rozane da Fontoura Winters, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutora em Enfermagem, docente do Departamento de Saúde e Serviços do Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina.

Marcia Bet Kohls, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina

Mestre, docente do Departamento de Saúde e Serviços do Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina.

Fernanda Greschechen, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina

Mestre em Educação, Pedagoga do Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina.

Debora Rinaldi Nogueira, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina

Mestre, docente do Departamento de Saúde e Serviços do Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina.

Marciele Misiak Caldas, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutora, docente do Departamento de Saúde e Serviços do Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina.

Juliana Jacques da Costa Monguilhott, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutora, docente do Departamento de Saúde e Serviços do Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina



How to Cite

Mazon, L. M., Araújo, H. S. de, Santos, S. A. dos, Winters, J. R. da F., Kohls, M. B., Greschechen, F., … Monguilhott, J. J. da C. (2023). Admission system and its relationship with access, permanence and success of students of the Technical Nursing Course at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina. Saúde E Meio Ambiente: Revista Interdisciplinar, 12, 233–244.


