Use of the LED on the efficiency and sustainability of poultry production
By minimizing the impacts of climatic variations on poultry production, technological advances have made possible the expansion in the use of the system known as dark house, with control of variables such as temperature, ventilation, pressure and lighting, in favor of animal welfare and increase Productivity of cutting birds. The research focused on energy sustainability, aiming to comparatively evaluate the results in poultry production from the replacement of technologies in artificial lighting, three batches of birds were evaluated before and three batches in a period after the replacement of the LED lighting system. In order to streamline the investigation of the data, the use of the matrix method was used as an analysis tool, along with statistical tests of multivariate regression. The results showed that the replacement of light technology caused a reduction in feed intake and an increase in water consumption. This result suggests that the technology can positively change feed conversion rates, sparking interest in new studies for low-carbon production. And, especially in poultry farming, technology has been shown to contribute to advances in production processes.
Keywords: LED. Dark hause. Energy Efficiency. Poultryfarming Production.