Comparative social management
APA Cantão and Bico do Papagaio territories in Tocantins
This research aimed to carry out an Comparative Social Management analysis in two territories in the state of Tocantins: Bananal Island / APA Cantão Territory (9 counties) and Bico do Papagaio Territory (25 counties). The research was carried out with the territorial collegiate bodies in order to understand the intensity of the theoretical categories of Social Management in both spaces. The field research took place during 2016 through a questionnaire self administered by the researcher. Each municipality has two representatives in the territorial collegiate to which it belongs, one belonging to the public power and the other to organized civil society, both with holder and alternate, corresponding then to a census in terms of municipal representation of participants in the collegiate. The results were divided into six dimensions: 1) Operation and Results of the Territorial Collegiate; 2) Evaluation of the performance of the NEDETs; 3) Evaluation of Territorial Public Policies; 4) Territorial Development Plan; 5) Social Management; and 6) Impacts of Territorial Dynamics on Public Policies. According to the answers, in the six dimensions, the Bico do Papagaio Territory presents a greater intensity of Social Management, according to the concept and theoretical approach used in this text.
Keywords: Social Management. Territories. Ilha do Bananal / Cantão Environmental Protection Area (EPA) Territory. Bico do Papagaio Territory. Participation.
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