Tools innovation in accounting: professional reports
The research aims to assess the determinants, characteristics and results of innovation methods, techniques and tools in small and medium-sized accounting firms in northern Santa Catarina. Based on the empirical literature on innovation, the development of interviews revealed valuable insights with professionals in the sector. Agility and organizational strategy emerged as crucial factors for innovation, although resistance to change was identified as the main obstacle. Users' awareness and knowledge vary according to the sector and government requirements, especially with regard to accessory obligations. The need to avoid obsolescence and face competition drives the use of these tools, which are often discovered on the internet according to specific needs. Integrating these tools into daily processes is essential to avoid lack of focus and adaptation to change. The interviewees recognize that these tools make it easier to generate ideas, solve problems and save time and organization. The evidence suggests that incorporating new methods and tools for innovation can improve companies' performance and allow them to expand into new markets.
Keywords: Innovation; Methods; Accounting.
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