Right to choose dying versus right of life
reflexions about euthanasia
Euthanasia., Law., Life., Death.Abstract
This article aims to bring into discussion some thoughts about the eutanásia, as well as analize the law and moral aspects that are opposite to it. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are not allowed in Brazil, but both of them have turned into reality in some countries such as Belgium and Netherlands. It is about a possibility to provide a worthy death to patients who have terminal deseases. The defenders of this practice say that people must have the right of having a fair death, of choosing to end up their suffering. Meanwhile, the ones who do not defend this idea, state that life must be preserved at any perspective. On the basis of the Law, the article 5 from the Federal Constitution, and also the Criminal Code in Brazil preclude the execution of both Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, even though there is not any specific law which forbids them. These subjects have always created difficult dialogues and there is not a consensus in our country so far, however they must be discussed within the law.