Distant land migrants
the struggle for visibility and the right to be (Vale do Paranhana, RS, Brazil)
The study problematizes the contemporary migrations of Haitians, Venezuelans, Colombians and Senegalese in the Paranhana Valley region (RS). The analysis presents an interdisciplinary perspective, discussing the process of insertion of these groups in the regional space, from the analysis of the political and cultural processes involved in this process, as well as the insertion in the Health Care Network. qualitative, exploratory-descriptive approach. The sample number of participants (migrants) will be set from the Snowball method. Besides the participation of the migrants themselves, as an object of investigation, it will be sought to contact the municipal departments of Urban Development / Planning and Health of the three municipalities involved in the research. In addition, we discuss the process of invisibility of these migrants, socially marginalized by the media, who do not mention them as part of the regional community, reaffirming, however, their inferiority in the social sphere. The study also discusses the access of migrants to the public health system and the right to social visibility as a basic condition of human rights.
Keywords: International migrations. Human Rights, Paranhana Valley.