Basic education and regional development




The purpose of this article is to analyze education and its relationship with regional development within the context of implementing 2014-2024 National Education Plan, focusing on Basic Education. The article is characterized as a review based on the principles of bibliographic and documentary research, using primary and secondary sources. It is justified by the lack of discussions involving the relationship between education and regional development, in particular the analyses directed to basic education. Researchers support the premise that education contributes to poverty reduction and regional development, as the expansion of intellectual capacity generates more wealth and turns the integration to labor market easier. There are major challenges both in universalizing access to basic education and in ensuring quality standards in Brazil. It is concluded that the premise in which education is associated only with economic growth and income improvement must be overcome.

Key words: Education and development. Educational policies. Basic education. National Education Plan. Regional Development.

Author Biographies

Argos Gumbowsky, Universidade do Contestado

Doutor em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Atuação profissional: Professor efetivo do quadro do magistério público estadual. No ensino superior é docente credenciado pela Universidade do Contestado (UnC) como docente nos cursos de graduação. Integrante do corpo docente do Programa de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Regional como responsável pelas disciplinas ‘Universidade e Desenvolvimento Regional’ e Políticas Educacionais e Desenvolvimento Regional’. Integra o banco de avaliadores do MEC/INEP e do CEE/SC. Líder do grupo de pesquisa ‘Educação, Política e Sociedade’ e membro do grupo de pesquisa ´Desenvolvimento Regional´.

Kelli Regina Gonsalves dos Santos Assunção, Universidade do Contestado

Mestre em Desenvolvimento Regional pela Universidade do Contestado. Docente da rede pública estadual de Santa Catarina



How to Cite

Gumbowsky, A., & Assunção, K. R. G. dos S. (2019). Basic education and regional development. Profanações, 6(Ed. esp.), 186–211. esp.2459