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DRd - Desenvolvimento Regional em debate
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Vol. 14 (2024)
Vol. 14 (2024)
Technical assistance and rural extension: a case study in the municipality of Xinguara-PA
Lílian Lima de Oliveira Alves, Letícia Paludo Vargas, Carlos Alberto da Rosa Maciel, Jairo Marchesan
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Systematic review of scientific production on the relationship between education and income distribution (1977-2024)
Rosana Deise Ferreira dos Santos, Wesley Vieira da Silva, Anderson Moreira Aristides dos Santos, Sandro Valdecir Deretti Lemes, Carlos Alano Soares de Almeida
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Deforestation and development of typologies in Ceará: an exploratory analysis
José Alex do Nascimento Bento, Kilmer Coelho Campos
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Dynamics of land use and coverage due to the installation of Salto Osório hydroelectric plant in the southwest of Parana
Heloísa da Silva Victorino, José Ricardo da Rocha Campos
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Tourism potential in Maranhão based on the categorization of regions and municipalities in the Brazilian tourism map
Airton Pereira da Silva Leão, Nayara Silva dos Santos, João Eduardo Vale Soares
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Social capital and regional development: impacts on a riverside community affected by the construction of a hydroelectric plant
Edney Costa Souza, Alice Munz Fernandes, Gleimiria Batista da Costa Matos
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The creative economy as a driver of local development: the case of Natividade – TO
Felício Cordeiro da Silva, Edson Trajano Vieira, Moacir José dos Santos
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Startup challenges in Florianópolis (SC): factors that lead entrepreneurs to failure
Eduardo Dias Leite, Amanda Pinheiro, Luciane Gobbo Brandão, Fernando César Lenzi, Gustavo Behling
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Resources and assets with territorial specificity in the coast of Paraná: potentials and perspectives for territorial development
Diego Moura Malheiros, Franklin Barcelos Nunes Neto, Diomar Augusto de Quadros, Valdir Roque Dallabrida
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Construction of markets by family agro-industries: analysis from the perspective of the basket of territorial goods and services approach
Marina Bustamante Ribeiro, Adinor José Capellesso, Ademir Antônio Cazella
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Education for cooperation and regional development: a study in organizations from Parana
Chrystian Biscaro, Luis Miguel Luzio-dos-Santos
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Credit and regional development: an analysis of the performance of credit unions
Mateus Antonio Lima, Darlan Christiano Kroth, Angelo Brião Zanela, Ronei Arno Mocellin
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The markets of family farming cooperatives in the state of Bahia: challenges in facing the pandemic
Marcio Rodrigo Caetano de Azevedo Lopes, Etiene Santiago Carneiro, Marcia Eliana Martins, Geusa da Purificação Pereira
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Tax incentives for industry as a strategy to promote regional development
analysis of an empirical case
Vicente dos Santos Guilherme Júnior, Inácio Andruski Guimarães
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Social control in municipalities: contributions from the Courts of Cudit of Portugal and Paraná
Antonio Gonçalves de Oliveira, Sónia de Paula da Silva Nogueira, Audrey Jaqueline do Vale Maretti
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Global sustainability index in rural communities in the municipality of Marapanim, Pará, Brazil
Raynon Joel Monteiro-Alves, Ana Lúcia Nunes Gutjahr, Altem Nascimento Pontes
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Environmental quality as a support to planning and management: a study applied to the city of Mossoró/RN
Letícia Gabriele da Silva Bezerra, Alfredo Marcelo Grigio, Zoraide Souza Pessoa, Weslley Misael Bezerra Damasio
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Pomares da Mata Atlantica: search for sustainable development in the alto Tietê Region
Mariana Ayumi Goto, Kyury Silva de Assis, Claudia Mascagni Prudente, Maria Santina de Castro Morini
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Energy sustainable technologies in the brazilian semiariid: physical potentials and socio-environmental challenges for a fair and responsible energy transition
Professor Doctor, Mairton Celestino da Silva, Geraldo Barboza de Oliveira Junior
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Structure of organic farming in the state of Paraná: analysis based on the 2017 Agricultural Census
Leandro José de Oliveira, Jorceli de Barros Chaparro, Cristiano Stamm, Lindomar Pegorini Daniel
Geographical distribution of cultural projects funded by Rouanet Law
Lusvanio Carlos Teixeira, Wescley Silva Xavier, Evandro Rodrigues de Faria
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Analysis of the potential of the National Land Credit Program (PNCF) in Santa Catarina as a tool for production inclusion and ecological transition
Paola Beatriz May Rebollar, Ana Carla Baccarin Ferreira, Gabriela Vieira Imhof, Stephany Lopes
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Intergenerational mobility of education and occupation and income inequality in Brazil
Adriano Firmino V. de Araújo, José Luis da Silva Netto Júnior, Kleiton de Luna Souza da Silva
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Socioeconomic analysis of the biggest environmental disaster in Brazil
Vinícius Fortes da Silva Santos, Alexandre Troian, Sibele Vasconcelos de Oliveira
Perceptions of fair sellers and public managers in relation to the free fairs - microregion Capanema – PR
Rozane Márcia Triches, Luana Juçara Dal Agnol, Camila Elizandra Rossi
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Regional development and health: the importance of university extension in visual health in Amplanorte
Suellen Cristine Haensch, Argos Gumbowsky, Lisandro Walczak, Marcio Bonatto Guimarães
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An analysis of the relational space of homicides in the Northern Region of Brazil
Leonardo Andrade Carneiro, Antônio José Pedroso Neto
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Handicrafts and the creative economy: the case of the Sereias da Penha project
José Luis Rozendo Braz, Lúcia Santana de Freitas
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Municipal actions for the sustainable development of transport in the city of Santos
José Alberto Carvalho dos Santos Claro, Adriana Valim Caires
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Institutional measures and addressing the COVID-19 pandemic in the metropolitan region of Palmas-TO: a reading from Douglass North
Erisvaldo de Oliveira Alves, Mônica Aparecida da Rocha Silva, Nilton Marques de Oliveira
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Evolutionary process and the dynamics of cooperation, learning and innovation of the Cariri-CE footwear APL
Elda Fontenele Tahim, Marcos Renan Vasconcelos Magalhães, Ezequiel Alves Lobo, Francisco Laercio Pereira Braga, Thiago Matheus de Paula, Felipe Pinto da Silva
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Social management as an alternative to produce knowledge from the university through participatory research
Verónica Orellana Navarrete, Fernando Guilherme Tenorio, Andrés Abad Merchán
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Forms of orchestrating innovation in local productive arrangements
a study in the furniture and footwear sectors
Ezequiel Alves Lobo, Luis Alves da Silva Cruz Neto, Elda Fontenele Tahim, Samuel Façanha Câmara
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Analysis of adherence to the Sustainable Development Objectives (SDGs) in municipalities of Santa Catarina, with a view to complying with the UN Agenda 2030
Fernanda Mara Peretti, Rógis Juarez Bernardi, Nelson Santos Machado
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Public administration, regional development and sustainable cities
Jair Zaleski, Francis Mara Schiessl, Jorge Amaro Bastos Alves, Luciano Bendlin
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Good living and post-development
the deconstruction of the colonialist imaginary of the afrolimonian communities of Costa Rica
Liliane Cristine Schlemer Alcantara, Luz Marina Vásques-Carranza
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Entrepreneurship and innovation in public management
government action, the Caixa Econômica Federal and FORCON Condominiums in Residential Buena Vista I and III, in Goiânia, GO.
Michel Afif Magul, Antônio Pasqualetto
Relationship between the pent-up demand for ophthalmology at SUS de Canoinhas – SC and the services provided at the University Eye Health Clinic (CUSV)
Nora León Rodríguez, Sandro Luiz Bazzanella
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Rural and fishing tourism as a local development strategy in the district of Paula Pereira, Canoinhas/SC
Giselle Werka, André Ramon Flenik, Júlio Cesar da Silva, Renato da Costa dos Santos
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Characteristics of the theses defended in stricto sensu graduate programs in Regional Development in the PLURD area
Argemiro Luis Brum, Rodrigo Prante Dill
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Port and regional development
analysis of competition for the Port of Santos between 2010 and 2019
Paulo Costacurta de Sá Porto, Vladimir José de Souza Filho
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Cooperation network between researchers of the XIX ENANPUR
Miss , Alex Pizzio, Nilton Marques de Oliveira, Lia de Azevedo Almeida
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Economic growth and development on the brazilian border
what do the convergence indicators show?
Lorena Regina de Oliveira, Jandir Ferrera de Lima
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Analysis of the production and municipal development of agropecuaria tocantinense between 2006 and 2017
Cínthia Santos Silva, Lucir Reinaldo Alves
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Systemic communication between sustainability and law
Nicolau Cardoso Neto, Clóvis Reis, Luiza Sens Weise
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Rural families and access to the National Housing Policy in the rural environment in the Rio Pardo Valley (RS)
Cidonea Machado Deponti, Marco André Cadoná, Salete dos Passos Faber
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The cabocla network of educators of the Contestado
Eduardo do Nascimento, Patricia Frangelli Bugallo Lopes do Nascimento, William Douglas Gomes Peres, Jilson Carlos Souza, Rogério Rosa Rodrigues
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Products purchase from family farmers to NSLP in three regions of Parana state
Vinícius Mattia, Wilson João Zonin, Marcos Roberto Pires Gregolin
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Review of the work “Public policies to combat hunger: the trajectory of the popular restaurants of Toledo/PR”
Rogério Ribeiro
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